Dr. Bruce Cornet

Geologist, Paleobotanist, Palynologist, Oil Explorer, Author I and AOP Investigator II

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Sirius Onion Works

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logo design by Ben Field

"Origin and meaning behind the SOW logo"

SOW stands for Sirius Onion Works, and is a pun on the Greek and Egyptian mythology about the Sirius and Orion star systems. The name is in part derived from Orion Works, the domain name for Steven V. Johnson's website, where the Sirius Onion Works presentations by Dr. Cornet previously resided. Orion was changed to Onion in part because the southern portion of the Wallkill River valley (Pine Island and Warwick, NY) is a major Onion farming region, and in part because the onion symbolizes the Pine Bush mystery, a mystery that has to be peeled back layer by layer to reveal the core truths. Corn is included in the logo in part because of its agricultural importance in the northern portion of the valley, and in part because of its mythological symbolism. Osiris, the Egyptian "God of the dead", is also known as the Corn God, and as strange as it may seem, a small lake located between Wallkill and Walden, NY, was named Lake Osiris.

The logo displays a portion of an ancient Greek painting on display at the Louvre. The mythological Cadmus of Thebes is shown slaying the serpent or dragon. The serpent symbol was prominent amongst the skyglyphs created for Cornet's camera by the plasma lights of triangular and diamond-shaped craft (e.g. Plate 2, the snaking serpent skyglyph in Volume II). Cadmus and Jason were the two Greek heroes who SOWed the serpent's teeth, and this serpent has prominent rows of teeth, not fangs. The serpent symbolizes the Sirius constellation, while Cadmus is shown in the relative position of the Orion constellation (Temple, 1987, The Sirius mystery).

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Welcome to a research website, which explores the unusual and paranormal with scientific seriousness where hard technical data exist (left brainer), but with imagination, speculation, and a little sardonic (onion) humor where soft anecdotal data exist (right brainer).

See also Bruce Cornet Home Page - Sirius Onion Works at BUFOD.

For Updates, What's New, and Original descriptions of Dr. Cornet's personal encounters and sightings, go to the News Page.


  1. Westchester Wing Sightings The Hudson Valley, NY, Phenomenon.
  2. Estimate of the Situation: The Black Triangles, by Harv Howard.

Initiation and Tragedy Phase

  1. The Mudlogging Trailer Personal 1981 abduction experience before witnesses.
  2. Detailed transcript of regression for 1981 abduction experience.
  3. The Passion of Bonnie Personal loss of wife, stepson, two uncles, and aunt in 1991.
  4. Special Agent 707 Have you ever been followed home by a Boeing 707?
  5. The Ascent This event defies all conventional logic and explanation.
  6. August mini-Flap Three AOP converged on Middletown-Goshen, NY.

Transformation Phase

  1. The Transformation Not an illusion, delusion, misidentification, or hoax.
  2. The Performance Several AOP put on performance for Sightings TV crew.
  3. Manta Ray Animated gif for The Performance.
  4. Another Performance The Manta Ray came to Red Bank, NJ.
  5. Swamp Gas For those who think they are smarter than the skeptics.

The Integration Phase

  1. The Illusion Our best pilots probably couldn't do this.
  2. The Cemetery Sighting "Oh sure!" Can airplanes do this?
  3. The Martin Story Dozens of AOP descend into hillside.
  4. The Escort Paced for 72 miles on highway - with pictures.
  5. The Snaking Manta Fly-By Pilots would lose their license for this stunt.
  6. Weird Sound A busy night at the hotspot.
  7. Light Show How good is your perception?
  8. Plasma Orbs Scientific data and analysis.
  9. The Experiment Documentation of unknown technologies.
  10. ETI Communication If here, how would ETI communicate?
  11. Jibe Not No Paul, that's not correct.
  12. The signal Was it "Good-bye" or "Hello"?
  13. It's Happening Again! The Pine Bush Phenomenon is not dead.
  14. The Laser Beam AOP Encounter Conventional technology caught in the act?
  15. The Vortex Do interdimentional portals really exist?
  16. The Passion of Bonnie A possible link between life, death, and ETs (last page).

The Extrapolation Phase

  1. Does the United States Air Force have a Cloaking Device? How much do you know?
  2. Mimicry may be the Objective of ETI Triangular and Diamond-shaped Probes
  3. Creationists think that humans walked with dinosaurs based on controversial fossil footprints, while vertebrate paleontologists refute the possibility. Could there be a third explanation? (disabled)
  4. The Pine Bush Boomerang Is this the famous Westchester Boomerang reported in the 1980's, or a secret new type of Air Force aircraft?
  5. Weird Sound A busy night at the hotspot; takeoffs and landings throughout the night from a forest.
  6. Reversed Doppler How the sounds AOP produce prove the existence of unconventional propulsion systems.

The Evolution Phase

        List of Cornet's online publications

  1. Why did Darwin avoid using the "E" word? Is evolution molded by physics? Could intelligent humanoids evolve on another planet?
  2. Paleobotany and Palynology Introduction to angiosperm evolution.
  3. The Controversy and Darwin's Abominable Mystery An in-depth look at the problem and at a surprise solution.
  4. Lily-like Pollen in the Upper Jurassic Type Section This can't be so if angiosperms evolved in the Cretaceous - but it's real!
  5. Sanchesia-like Pollen (Acanthaceae) in the Late Jurassic Testing botanical knowledge and certainty about angiosperm evolution.
  6. Diverse Angiosperm-like Pollen in the Late Triassic For those who believe in a Cretaceous origin of angiosperms: How do you spell D.O.G.M.A.?
  7. Dicot-like Leaf from the Late Triassic Not so fast dismiss this one can you.
  8. The leaf venation and reproductive structures of a Late Triassic Angiosperm, Sanmiguelia lewisii The Texas discovery that ripped the roots out of the Cretaceous angiosperm origin theory.
  9. The reproductive morphology and biology of Sanmiguelia lewisii, and its bearing on angiosperm evolution in the Late Triassic It just gets worse and worse for those who cling to a Cretaceous origin of angiosperms.
  10. Half Monocot - Half Dicot in the Late Triassic You'd think that paleobotanists would welcome such evidence, but big egos, reputations, and funding are at stake.
  11. A New Cheirolepidaceous Conifer Bearing Fowers from the Early Jurassic. Angiospermy in gymnosperms? Heresy!
  12. Fossil Spores, Pollen, and Fishes from Connecticut Indicate Early Jurassic Age for Part of the Newark Group The paper that changed the geologic face of Eastern North America.
  13. Palynological contributions to the chronology and stratigraphy of the Hartford basin in Connecticut and Massachusetts For those who want to learn about Early Jurassic palynology and its application.
  14. Applications and limitations of palynology in age, climatic, and paleoenvironment analyses of Triassic sequences in North America A summary paper representing 22 years of research.
  15. Geologically rapid Late Triassic extinctions: Palynological evidence from the Newark Supergroup Mass extinction due to bolide impact that ushered in the Age of Dinosaurs.
  16. Massive Ancient Fish Kills Nature's Pollution - great story about fish life in an Early Jurassic lake in Connecticut.

The Esoteric Phase

  1. The Original Sin Esoteric Notes (8 parts) exploration into Masonic, Knights Templar, and Rennes-le-Château mysteries in France and Philadelphia.
  2. The Cydonia II Report archived.

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Our Mission (the Scientific side)

To investigate and understand the AOP and Abduction phenomena, as well as to study and understand the human reaction to those who report sightings or abductions. Our investigation has mostly focussed on the Pine Bush Anomalistic Observational Phenomena (AOP) in Orange and Ulster counties, NY, but extends south to include all of New Jersey. Our philosophy is that thorough investigation using the scientific method will yield important data which can be used by other scientists to test various theories regarding these phenomena.

Major aspects of the human reaction to the AOP phenomenon are eloquently stated by Joseph Burkes, MD, in his essay, The Role of a Power Structure Analysis in ufology.

How we believe in something we "see" which does not exist.

Perceptions cause perceptions, leading to misconceptions. That is why the human as an objective observer does not exist.  For example, the Moon appears to be larger when on the horizon than when high in the night sky.  Why?  It's angular size does not change, but human perception of it does.  This is an excellent example for teaching people how the mind tricks us into believing something that does not exist.  See Lloyd Kaufman and James H. Kaufman's article on Explaining the moon illusion.

Brian O'Leary speaks out about The Suppression (and Resurrection) of New Science, The Explorer (SSE), Summer 1999, Vol. 15, No. 3, p. 7.

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A Critical Analysis of the Orb Phenomenon

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Links to Scientific Organizations and Research

The credibility gap between mainstream science and ufology has grown wider during the past fifty five years, not narrower with the increasing volume of soft evidence for Anomalistic Observational Phenomena (AOP) observed in our skies.  The term AOP was created and defined by Robert M.L. Baker in 1968.  This divergence is due in large part to the unscientific methods employed by many amateurs who enter the field of ufology with little or no scientific background and training, as well as to the various pseudo-scientific and pseudo-religious groups that become attracted to ufology.  The News Media are not excluded from this list, because they have contributed more to widening the gap than narrowing it over the past five decades.  Because of this divergence, only links to web sites which represent organizations, groups, or individuals that employ the scientific method will be given here.

SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence)

OSETI (Optical Seti) seeks to detect pulsed and continuous wave laser beacons signals in the visible and infrared spectrums. An article on OSETI (Watching for a Signal from E.T.) and Harvard physicist Paul Horowitz is published in the August 30, 1999 issue of Time magazine.

SETV (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Visitation)

http://www.interstellar-probes.org/ (SETV)

ISSO (International Space Science Organization) creation of Joe Firmage.

SSE (Society for Scientific Exploration)

NIDS (National Institute for Discovery Science)

New Frontiers in Science SETI, SETV, and UFOs by Gerry Zeitlin

New Search Strategies by Gerry Zeitlin

Don't Rule Out Interstellar Probes by Dr. Gerald Nordley

The Search For ET Visitation The discussion of a scientific strategy to search (www.expeditionu.com/video.htm)

Bruce Cornet talks about his scientific work and what got him interested in the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Visitation, on the Jack Landman internet radio show JMAN5 out of San Antonio, TX (28-29 July 2002).

How Can We Achieve Contact? by Dr. Allen Tough

Small Smart Interstellar Probes by Dr. Allen Tough

The Array of Search Strategies by Dr. Allen Tough

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Contact Information (the Onion side)

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Should you make contact with a non-human being who demonstrates comparable or greater intelligence than your own, do not panic, do not run in circles, and do not shout. We don't want to give our galactic neighbors the wrong impression, leading them to think that we are a lower life form incapable of understanding them.

Instead, express profound skepticism and complete denial, and - most importantly - don't tell anyone about your experience. And if someone else should tell you about their experience with an AOP, about their abduction and anal probing by alien beings, or about their contact with non-human intelligence, ridicule them, expose them as frauds or hoaxers, fire them if you are their boss, and set a "good" example for all other intelligent human beings on how to act when confronted with the most important event in human history - the discovery that WE ARE NOT ALONE.

Above all, don't listen to a thing I just said, because if you do and act accordingly, you will become just like all the other inferior primates on this planet who have acted in a similar unintelligent, unscientific, frightened, paranoid, and insecure fashion.

the WASP nest
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Send mail to bcornet@direcway.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1999 Sirius Onion Works
Last modified: January 10, 2022

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Dr. Cornet's resume

14 years experience in the oil industry as a senior geologist, prospect geologist, and palynologist.

4 years academic research in geology as a palynologist, paleobotanist, and wellsite geologist.


    B.A. in biology (1970) and M.S. in paleobotany (1973) at the University of Connecticut, and Ph.D. in geology and palynology (1977) at the Pennsylvania State University. Post-doctorate research in geology and paleobotany at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University (1989-1990). The author or coauthor of 21 refereed scientific papers and two books, all on paleontological and/or geological subjects. 14 years experience in the oil industry, and President of Geminoil, Inc., which successfully explored for and found oil on the East Coast in Triassic age rocks thought to be barren of hydrocarbons (just before the collapse of the oil industry in the early 1980's).


    Brookdale Community College (NJ) computer programming (C and Java) September 1999-2000

    Chubb Computer Institute (3 Units) Mainframe Programming (JCL and Cobol) 1998-1999

    Brookdale Community College (NJ) (3 semesters) TV Production 1996-1997

    Princeton University (NJ) (2 audits) Religion/Gnosticism Fall/1995

    The Pennsylvania State University Ph.D. Geology/Palynology 11/1977

    University of Connecticut M.S. Botany/Paleobotany 05/1973

    University of Connecticut B.A. Biology 06/1970

    Fairleigh Dickinson University (NJ) (transfered) Zoology/pre-Med 1963-66

    Conard High School (W.Htfd., CT) general 1960-63


    Professor of Geology, El Paso Community College, El Paso, TX. 8/04 to present

    Professor of Geology and Botany, Raritan Valley Community College, Somerville, NJ. 1/03 to present

    Professional Photographer, Lors Studio, Union, NJ. 8/00-11/00 (seasonal)

    SETV proposal and five year engineer and science project (under development)

    MCAT Instructor, Princeton Review of NJ, Inc., New Brunswick, NJ. 1/99-1/00

    Mainframe Computer Programming, student (Chubb Institute). 7/98-7/99

    Sabbatical - scientific research and writing. 3/93-12/98

    Staff Associate, Lamont-Doherty Earth Obs. 4/90-2/93

    Chief Consulting Geologist, Eastern Exploration, Inc. 12/89-3/90

    Research Associate, Lamont-Doherty Earth Obs. 7/89-12/89

    Post-Doctoral Research Assoc., Lamont-Doherty Earth Obs. 8/88-7/89

    Independent geological consultant, Houston, TX 4/85-7/88

    Stratigrapher and Manager of Palynology Lab., Superior Oil Co., Houston, TX 5/82-3/85

    President, Geminoil, Inc., Houston, TX 4/81-5/82

    Senior Geologist, Exxon Co., U.S.A., Houston, TX 8/80-3/81

    Senior Geologist, Gulf Res. & Dev. Co., Houston, TX 6/77-7/80

    Carling Electric Co., West Hartford, CT 5/69-8/69

    Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Co., East Hartford, CT 8/66-1/68

Professional Societies

    Alpha Pi Theta honor society (Brookdale C.C.), inducted March 1997.

    The American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1977 to 1996.

    The American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, 1972 to 1996.

    The Botanical Society of America, 1971 to 1996.

    Sigma Xi honor society (Penn State), elected 1975.

    Phi Kappa Phi honor society (U. Conn), elected 1970.

    Phi Zeta Kappa honor society (F.D.U.), elected 1964.

Museum positions and activities

    Exibit curator and public guide at Rocky Hill Dinosaur Park, CT (1970).

    Honorary Curator of Paleobotany for the Houston Museum of Natural Sciences, 1979-1988 (1978-1980 curated paleobotanical        collections; 1987 assisted in giant armadillo display).

    Helped curate paleobotanical collections at Virginia Museum of Natural History (1992).

Additional information

    Between 1989 and 1993 Cornet was an integral part of the largest, NSF funded, continental coring project on the East Coast, which successfully recovered the first detailed history of the earth's climate preceding and during the early part of the age of dinosaurs. During the Late Triassic and into the Early Jurassic (228-200 mya) the Newark basin (NJ/PA) was tropically situated near the paleoequator. Nearly 21,000 feet of cyclically deposited lacustrine strata were deposited in rift-valley lakes during that time. We successfully cored and described all of that strata, and entered detailed inch-by-inch description of the sedimentary variations into a computer program, which analyzed the cycles according to fast Fourier transform analysis. From the results we were able to prove that the movement of the closest and largest planets in our solar system have a profound effect on regulating and determining climatic cycles on Earth.

    During his doctoral studies at Penn State (1972-1977) Cornet discovered angiosperm-like pollen in rocks 100 million years older than the oldest accepted age for the flowering plants, and he publically announced my discovery not long after the majority of botanists had cast their vote for the dominant theory, which stated that no such fossils of that age could exist. A short article on this discovery appeared in the May 1979 issue of Omni magazine. Subsequent discoveries of leaves and flowers strongly support a Triassic rather than Cretaceous age for the oldest angiosperms. His most recent discovery of a Triassic angiosperm-like leaf is acknowledged in the January 1995 issue of Discover magazine.

EXPERTISE (grouped according to years experience):

(A) palynology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, paleoecology, and paleobotany (21 yrs.)

(B) core and outcrop description (11 yrs.)

(C) well-log analysis and correlation, and seismic interpretation (7 yrs.)

(D) mudlogging and geochemistry (3 yrs.).

Description of work:

6/90-2/93, Research Associate, Lamont-Doherty Earth Obs., Palisades, NY. Responsible for mapping and correlating lacustrine lithostratigraphy of the Newark basin, NJ; palynological sample collection and analysis, and biostratigraphic correlation of lacustrine units in Newark basin; determination of stratigraphy and structure of well site areas for 7 km corehole project in Newark basin (Principal investigators: P.E. Olsen and D.K. Rent); landwork to determine property ownership for chosen wellsites; cuttings sample collection and analysis at wellsites when applicable; to date core description, photography, and analysis of over 20,000 ft. of core from six wellsites in NJ.

5/90-2/93, Geological Consultant, Eastern Exploration Inc., Saddle River, NJ. Responsible for geological modeling, geophysical interpretation, palynological sampling and analysis, and geochemical interpretation. Interpreted and integrated geology, seismic, and palynology results to form basinal model in order to predict hydrocarbon accumulation. Worked on several frontier areas that are currently undergoing further exploration or drilling.

12/89-3/90, Chief Consulting Geologist, Eastern Exploration Inc., Saddle River, NJ. Responsible for geological and geophysical services in a successful land acquisition play in Taylorsville basin,Maryland and eastern Virginia.

7/89-12/89, Research Associate, Lomont-Doherty Earth Obs., Palisades, NY. Core description and analysis: lithological, paleontological, and weight composition of mud piston cores in Marine CoreLaboratory.

8/88-7/89, Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Lamont-Doherty Earth Obs., Palisades, NY. Geological and paleontological field work, palynology, paleobotany, writing manuscripts and grant proposals.

4/85-7/88, Independent Geological Consultant, Houston, TX. Prospect generation on salt domes in Brazos County, Texas; re-entry well prospects in southeast Texas; wellsite geology in Chesterfield County, Virginia; mudlogging in Appling and Wayne counties, Georgia.

5/82-3/85, Stratigrapher and Palynologist, Superior Oil Co., Houston, TX. Managed palynological laboratory and provided palynological services: Edwards reef trend, Lavaca County, Texas; Mississippian-Permian, Delaware basin, southeastern New Mexico; North Sea basin Jurassic Cretaceous, block 22/5B; Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, McMullen and Atoscosa counties, Texas; Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, northwestern Louisiana; Paradox basin, Utah.

4/81-5/82, President and Exploration Manager, Geminoil, Inc., Houston, TX. Organized an exploration effort into Late Triassic basins in eastern Virginia; wellsite geologist overseeing mudloggers on two deep wells; performed independent cuttings and core descriptions, and documented with geochemistry all oil and gas shows. Directly and indirectly responsible for the drilling of six exploratory and wildcat wells in the Richmond basin. Geminoil interests purchased by SEPCO in 1985.

8/80 - 3/81, Senior Geologist and Palynologist, Exxon Co., U.S.A., Houston, TX. Provided palynological services: thermal maturation and diagenesis of Gulf Coast overpressured zones; Paleozoic-Mesozoic, overthrust belt, Utah; Triassic, Chinle Formation and Dockum Group, Texas, New Mexico, and Utah; Cretaceous, Colorado.

6/77-7/80, Senior Geologist and Palynologist, Gulf Research & Development Co., Houston, TX. Provided palynological services: continental shelf, offshore Eastern North America, Georges Bank and Baltimore Canyon; offshore Ireland, Porcupine basin; Mississippian-PennsyIvanian, Williston basin, North Dokota and Montana.

5/69-8/69, Assistant Electrical Engineer, Carling Electric Co., West Hartford, CT. Materials Control Department. Reviewed and engineered increased productivity in the manufacturing procedures for all in-production types of electrical switches.

8/66-1/68, Materials Control Technician, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Co., East Hartford, CT. Materials Controls Laboratory. Tested and analyzed composition of cyanide plating solutions; machined and plated engine parts for corrosion resistance; tested rubber products for specs and distortion requirements; tested fuels and oils for quality composition through distillation and flash point methods.

Selected References to Academic Publications

Cornet, B., 1996. A new gnetophyte from the late Carnian (Late Triassic) of Texas and its bearing on the origin of the angiosperm carpel and stamen. In Taylor and Hickey (eds.), Angiosperm origin, evolution and phylogeny, Chapman & Hall, NY, 32-67.

Olsen, P.E., Kent, D.V., Cornet, B., Witte, W.K., and Schlische, R.W., 1996. High-resolution stratigraphy of the Newark rift basin (Early Mesozoic, eastern North America): Results of the Newark basin coring project. Geological Society of America Bull., 108: 40-77.

Fowell, S.J., Cornet, B., and Olsen, P.E., 1994. Geologically rapid Late Triassic extinctions: Palynological evidence from the Newark Supergroup. Geological Society of America Specia Paper 288: 197-206.

Cornet, B., 1993. Applications and limitations of palynology in age, climatic, and paleoenvironmental analyses of Triassic sequences in North America. In Lucas and Morales (eds.), The Nonmarine Triassic. New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science Bulletin, 3: 75-93.

Cornet, B., 1992. Dicot-like leaf and flowers from the Late Triassic tropical Newark Supergroup rift zone, U.S.A. Modern Geology, 19: 81-99.

Cornet B. and Habib, D., 1992. Angiosperm-like pollen from the Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) of France. Review Paleobotany Palynology, 72: 269-294.

Olsen, P.E., Fowell, S.J., and Cornet, B., 1990. The Triassic/Jurassic boundary in continental rocks of eastern North America; A progress report. Geological Society of America Special Paper 247: 585-593.

Cornet, B. and Olsen, P.E., 1990. Early to middle Carnian flora and fauna of the Richmond and Taylorsville basins, Virginia and Maryland, U.S.A. Guidebook No. 1, Virginia Museum of Natural History, Martinsville, 83 p.

Cornet, B., 1989. The reproductive morphology and biology of Sanmiguelia lewisii, and its bearing on angiosperm evolution in the Late Triassic. Evolutionary Trends in Plants, 3: 25-51 (cover picture).

Cornet, B., 1989. Angiosperm-like pollen from the Late Triassic Richmond rift basin of Virginia. Palaeontographica, 213B: 37-87.

Cornet, B. 1989. Jurassic rift basin floras and their climatic implications. In Olsen, P.E. and Gore, P. (eds.), Field Guide to the Tectonics, stratigraphy, sedimentology, and paleontology of the Newark Supergroup, eastern North America. International Geological Congress, Field Trip Guidebook T351: 47-52.

Olsen, P.E. and Cornet, B., 1988. Evidence for early Mesozoic mass extinctions in eastern North America rift deposits (Late Triassic-Early Jurassic, Newark Supergroup. IGCP Project 199, Rare Events in Geology, Berrichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt (Wein), 15(Abs.): 20.

Cornet, B., 1986. The reproductive structures and leaf veneation of a Late Triassic angiosperm, Sanmiguelia lewisii. Evolutionary Theory, 7: 231-309.

Cornet, B. and Olsen, P.E., 1985. A summary of the biostratigraphy of the Newark Supergroup of eastern North America with comments on early Mesozoic provinciality. In Weber, R. (ed.), III Congresso Latinoamericano de Paleontologia. Mexico. Simposio Sobre Floras del Triasico Tardio, su Fitogeografia y Paleoecologia, Memoria: 67-81.

Ziegler, D.G. and Cornet, B., 1985. Newark rift system: a potentially prolific hydrocarbon province. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bull., 69 (Abs.): 1452.

Cornet, B and Ziegler, D.G., 1985. Structural styles and tectonic implications of the Richmond-Taylorsville rift system, Eastern Virginia. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bull., 69(Abs.): 1434.

Olsen, P.E., Remington, C.L., Cornet, B., and Thomson, K.S., 1978. Cyclic changes in Late Triassic lacustrine communities. Science, 210: 729-733.

Cornet, B., 1977. Preliminary investigation of two Late Triassic conifers from York County, Pennsylvania. In Romans, R.C. (ed.), Geobotany, Plenum Press, New York: 165-172.

Cornet, B., Phillips, T.L., and Andrews, H.N., 1976. The morphology and variation in Rhacophyton ceratangium from the Upper Devonian and its bearing on frond evolution. Palaeontographica, 158B: 105-129.

Cornet, B. and Traverse, A., 1975. Palynological contributions to the chronology and stratigraphy of the Hartford basin in Connecticut and Massachusetts. Geoscience and Man, 11: 1-33.

Cornet, B., Traverse, A., and McDonald, N.G., 1973. Fossil spores, pollen, and fishes from Connecticut indicate Early Jurassic age for part of the Newark Group. Science, 182: 1243-1247.

Professional Talks and Presentations

Geological Society of America, 30th Annual Northeastern Section, Cromwell, CT, 1995. A new cheirolepid conifer bearing flowers from the Early Jurassic of Connecticut, USA. (with Nicholas G. McDonald).

Botanical Society of America, annual meeting, Ames, IA, 1993. Anthophytes and angiophytes from the Early Mesozoic and their bearing on angiosperm evolution. 9th Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium, 1991, Columbus, OH. Angiosperm-like pollen from the Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) of France and its bearing on angiosperm evolution.

Botanical Society of America, annual meeting, Richmond, VA, 1990. Fieldtrip leader for the Richmond and Taylorsville basins, Va. Early to middle Carnian (Triassic) flora and fauna of the Richmond and Taylorsville basins, Virginia and Maryleand, U.S.A.

International Geological Congress 1989 meeting, Washington, DC. Jurassic rift basin floras and their climatic implications.

Botanical Society of America, annual meeting, Columbus, OH, 1987. An Ephedra-like plant with cupulate flowers from the Late Triassic Dockum Group of Texas.

Botanical Society of America, annual meeting, Columbus, OH, 1987. Further evidence for the reproductive morphology of Sanmiguelia lewisii and its bearing on angiosperm ancestry.

American Association of Petroleum Geologists, annual meeting, Williamsburg, VA, 1985. Structural styles and tectonic implications of the Richmond-Taylorsville rift system, Eastern Virginia.

American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, annual meeting, Dallas, TX, 1981. Recognition of pre-Cretaceous angiosperm pollen and its relationship to fossil polyplicate pollen.

American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, annual meeting, Tulsa, OK, 1979. Angiosperm-like pollen with tectate-columellate wall structure from the Upper Triassic (and Jurassic) of the Newark Supergroup, U.S.A.

Postal address
241 Cherry Street
           El Paso, TX 79915
Electronic mail
General Information: cornetbruce@yahoo.com
Alternate email: mailto:cornetbruce3@gmail.com

Old Address 2007:

Postal address
213 Argonaut Dr. #55
           El Paso, TX 79912
Electronic mail
General Information: bcornet@elp.rr.com
Webmaster: bcornet@monmouth.com
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Date this website was last edited: 01/10/2022